Registration of RhinoSoft® Shareware

Register now your RhinoSoft® Reminder or RhinoSoft® Sayings or Zensura® for Windows. After registration you will get a full version withount shareware limits.

At the moment orders are proceeded within 1 day.

Registration fee:

Zensura® for Windows (german version), single licence,  Lizenzvertrag 49
Zensura® for Windows (german version), school licence, CD+registration disk, plus shipping fee, Lizenzvertrag 399
RhinoSoft® Reminder, Lizenzvertrag 9,90
RhnoSoft® Sayings 9,90
Zensura for Windows, single licence or school licence, update from version < 2.40 15
Zensura for Windows update from version 2.4x - 2.71 10
Zensura for Windows update from version 3.x free
RhinoSoft Reminder update from version < 3.6 5
RhinoSoft Sayings update from version < 1.0 free

If you want to proceed a new registration, there are two ways to register (same price): Via internet or via bank transfer in advance.
Our update offers are available only if you transfer you money in advance.

Registration via Internet
Use your credit card to register.
Order Zensura® for Windows (single licence)

Order RhinoSoft® Reminder (single licence)

Order RhinoSoft® Sayings (single licence, german)

Register via bank transfer in advance
1. Write an e-mail to RhinoSoft® or fax to +49-89-15919516. Write your adress and e-mail adress  (tel., fax if available) and the software title   (Reminder or Zensura). Don't forget your e-mail adress, as we use it to send  the registration key to you.

2. Transfer the registration fee with name and software title ("reminder registration" or "zensura registration") to:

Martin Rhinow
Postbank Munich / Germany
BLZ  700 100 80
Kontonr. 0280624801
IBAN: DE 42 70010080 0280624801

3. You will get your registration key as soon as possible from RhinoSoft®.